Eradication of Corruption & Inefficiency - Enforcement of 20 point road inspection report.

On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 8:51:34 AM UTC+5:30, Sanjeev wrote:
DWARKA FORUM Dwarka Ki Awaaz
                                          (Regn No. S-63070)                                 
      (A Welfare Association of Residents & RWA's / CGHS Representatives of Dwarka Sub-City)

Regd. Office:
720, Pocket-1, Sector-14,
Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078  
                                                                                     No. SKG/DDA/296         29 Jan 2017
Er. D P Singh, Chief Engineer,
Dwarka Project Office - DDA,
Mangala Puri, Delhi-110 045.,

Dear Sir.

Reg: Eradication of Corruption & Inefficiency - Enforcement of 20 point road inspection report.

Dear Sir,

Please refer several letters written to you earlier on the subject. It is indeed a surprise that an officer of your caliber is ignoring such an extremely important issue. As a result of non-enforcement of generation of regular road inspection report on defined parameters the CORRUPTION & INEFFICINCY is increasing day-by-day. We are not able to understand what is preventing you to take required action. See ample number of examples showing:

(i)             Long ramps on road – who allowed such ramps to come up encroaching on road space is a matter of concern. Is it rampant corruption or extreme carelessness by DDA staff?
(ii)            Examples of encroachment on footpath – This prima facie seems to be a direct case of open CORUPTION exhibited by DDA staff in Dwarka?
(iii)           Potholes on new road. Despite our repeated reference there is a nude dance of corruption in Dwarka where new roads don't stay even for one year.
(iv)          Iron Grill in front of Zebra crossing. How can your learned engineers do this foolishness?
(v)           Advertisement Board on footpath – This is a case of shame for DDA engineers – for what consideration they have kept their eyes closed against such blockage on footpath causing high inconvenience to padestrians.
Above are not isolated examples but are existing on every road in Dwarka. 

Despite having adequate staff and heading DDA Dwarka Project Office you have been instrumental in avoiding creation of such inspection reports. You know that in the absence of a regular road inspection report being created by staff above anamolies will keep on happening because as per DDA official record everything is fine & perfect.

We have written many letters earlier as well highlighting above issues seeking your co-operation to address the problems but not getting a response. We, hereby, once again adavise you to issue immediate instruction for preparation of Regular Road Inspection Report by the field staff to bring on record all sorts of inefficiency & Corruption apparently visible on roads.

We eagrly await your response.

Please acknowledge. Thanks


S K Goyal
Secretary – Dwarka Forum
D-103, Shivam Apartment,
Plot-14, Sector-12, Dwarka,
New Delhi-110078.

Encl: Sample 20 Points

Copy to. (i) Director Vigilance: With a request to seek explanation from CE(Dwarka) about the reasons for avoiding enforcement of 20 point inspection report. (ii) Member Engineer: (a) With a request to seek explanation from CE(Dwarka) about the reasons for avoiding enforcement of 20 point inspection report & (b) Issue direction for preparation of 20 point road inspection report of all field staff for their respective jurisdiction. (iii) Vice Chairmen: With a request to seek explanation from CE (Dwarka) about the reasons for avoiding enforcement of 20 point inspection report.

Annexure A

1)     Whether any kerb stone/tile is uprooted or caved in on central verge or footpath,
2)     Is there any very high level of entry point of footpath requiring steps?
3)     Is there any obstruction of any kind on footpath creating problem for pedestrians?
4)     Whether any pothole is visible - if yes where and about what size?
5)     Are there any cracks in road to be filled or road caved in?
6)     Is there any missing man-hole or drain cover?
7)     Is there any work on road/footpath to be done within warranty period?
8)     Is there any falling pole, railing, wire, overhead sign board, tree branch, dead animal lying on road etc?
9)     Is there any dug up space on footpath or road inadequately barricaded or lying unattended for many days?
10)  Is there any broken or unpainted speed-breaker or zebra crossing?
11)  Is there any kind of encroachment on road or footpath?
12)  Is entry & exit points of footpath have appropriate poles fixed so as to prevent climbing of vehicles on it?
13)  Is there any requirement of signage?
14)  Is there any water logging, construction material, debris, damaged vehicle or any other kind of material lying on road?
15)  Is there any damage to any kind of street furniture?
16)  Is green belt free from malba?
17)  Is there any open space where tree can be planted?
18)  Are there any overflowing sewer requiring desilting?
19)  Is soil level in central verge/green strip is at least 2 inch below the edge of kerb stone?
20)  Any other issue, as per intelligence of concerned field staff,

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